Strong Finish

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So, here we are, in the second week of the second half of the year. Welcome, my friends, to the first week of the rest of your life. No …really. The FIRST WEEK of the REST OF YOUR LIFE (insert echoey announcer person’s voice here).

Yes, it may be a little dramatic but in all honesty, each new week, each new day is the first week/day of the rest of your life. When you truly put that into perspective, you open up your mind to new pathways of thinking about YOUR time. You begin to shift how you look at how precious time truly is. I am certain I am not the only one that have spent last week perplexed at how it is already July, when certainly it was just May. Am I the only one thinking about how in just 6 more fast-paced months it’ll be 2020? Am I the only one listening to my morning cardio mix wondering how the “Rapper” Tyga is still allowed to make music? But I digress. 

So—the bigger message behind the emphasis on how fast time has passed is for you to get a grasp on well… how fast time moves. Because, before we all know it, we will be bringing in 2020 wondering yet again where did the time go; and more critical—pondering the reasons certain goals were not accomplished. 


Ultimately, what you do to make sure you have a strong finish this year is a very personal question, because it requires you to be honest with yourself in ways that no would know but yourself. For example, I know that I can go harder and stay more focused in order to achieve what I wanted to achieve this year, but no one knows what that looks like exactly—but me. 

That being said, my very first tip, tip #0, is to ASSESS where you are. Check yourself before you wreck yourself! (Today’s kids will never know the beauty of being a 90’s kid and having the absolute best sayings). But, really think through how the first half of your year went. What were some success, and what are some things you should work on? What has been particularly challenging? What will you do in this second half of 2019 to overcome those challenges? 

In order to properly finish strong you must reflect and assess! 

Below are three more short quick tips which for most of you will serve as reminders as to what you need to do in order to finish this year off strong: 

DECIDE TO FINISH STRONG| Only you know what your goals were when you started this year and the first tip I have for you to FINISH STRONG is to simply decide that you will. For example,  you may have a project that you started in the midst of the New Year newness ( that new-new) where you were at your peak mentally and spiritually on the self-motivation front. DECIDE to actually finish the project before the year is done. And then decide on all the other things you dreamed of doing before December 31, 2019.  

PLAN AND/OR READJUST THE PLAN| A second tip I have for you is to develop an actual 6-month plan. Some of the latest research on high achievement shows that people are more likely to accomplish their goals when they are short-term versus long term. So, sitting down and strategizing on monthly, quarterly, and six-month goals is highly effective when it comes to pushing your entire vision forward. If you already have one that you are working on, make sure you have spent time re-evaluating that plan. Is it on track? What needs to be adjusted. 

STOP PROCRASTINATING| My final tip for you to have a STRONG FINISH this year is to cease putting off to tomorrow what you can do today. A common theme amongst clients that I have coached when asked what has held them back from doing what they said they would do, is procrastination. If you are honest with yourself, could you agree, your vision and goals for this year would be further along if you did not procrastinate? There is a certain push through mindset you have to adopt over the next 6 months to ensure you have a STRONG FINISH. 

You are the only person that will determine how this year will end for you. Remember it is not how you start, but how you finish. Believe, achieve and do. You got this. 

How are you planning to have a strong finish this year? Share you ideas in the comments! 

Until Next Time. In Greatness,

Coach Shara