Keep On Keepin' On...In a Crisis

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Here we are. At this point, many of us have been in this social distancing lifestyle for two months now. Some of us have managed very well and have been more creative, more ambitious, and more active. That is great! But some of us have been unusually stagnate as the weight of the world becomes heavier each day. 

And there should be no shame in that, as we are living in odd and unusual times. There was post circulating on social media that said "if you don't come out of quarantine with a new skill, a new business, or new knowledge then you never lacked time you lacked discipline." As much as I love the intent, no one should be shamed during this time for just doing the best they can. 

So to the people who have struggled to get it together during this quarantine…To the person who has not quite been themselves, and maybe even less productive.  

You are not alone! This post is for you!

Even in times of stress and anxiety, you can take proactive steps to lift your mood. The science of emotion is incredibly complicated, but it is also well-studied. Here are a few tips for coping better during this period-- some of which may just be much needed reminders: 


Observe what is happening without worry. That is the key, NOT WORRYING. Worry is counterproductive and leads to stress. Stress produces a hormone called cortisol—which leads you down a  rabbit hole of physical and mental challenges. Worrying about something that has yet to happen is like paying a debt you have yet to accumulate. Process what is happening today, day by day. 

Look at the reality of what is. To resist it, pretend or to wish things were different, only keeps you stuck. When you embrace where you are, you begin to clearly see what needs to change in order to move towards living a happier, more fulfіllіng and peaceful life. 


Research shows that some people may be “broken” by a crisis, while others emerge from stressful experiences even stronger than before. The not-so-secret ingredient is resilience. Resiliency enables people to actually grow through adversity. 

For example, you can’t  control the virus, the search for a vaccine or the shortage of PPEs and testing. If you worry about the things you can’t control, you make a decision to engage in the “flіght-fіght” response of your autonomic nervous system. You could get anxious and depressed, and may feel apathy and despair — even bitterness. 


Boost your daily happiness through the four M’s of mental health: movement, mindfulness, mastery and meaningful social relationships, even now durіng COVID-19. You can do something like write down a schedule for your day to keep some sense of normalcy and routine in your life. You can be more intentional about whаt you are putting into your body. Eating healthy is critical during this time, as is getting enough sleep. It not only makes you feel great and improves your mood, but іt also helps boost your immune system, which is important right now. So use this crisis for cautious optimism by returning to our basics. 


Be mindful of how you interact wіth friends, family even strangers. Everyone seems to be on alert and on the edge. You can give to charity, offer to help someone by delivering groceries or cleaning supplies. Think about small acts of kindness that you can do to brighten someone’s day. Keep in mind the old proverbial saying: Every drop of water makes an ocean when added together. We all can and should build a community of care. 

One of the fastest ways to feel better is to help someone else. Whether that's lending an ear to a friend who is trying to make sense of how they are feeling, or donating your time to a worthy cause, being kind and compassionate to others makes a huge difference in the lives of everyone involved. 


COVID-19 іѕ causing many of us to think about how we are spending our time. Previously, much оf оur lives had been consumed by multiple activities. We are social, busy human beings by nature, so this time alone is novel for us all. One can only wonder if social distancing will permanently be our new normal. So many unknowns that can cause a little fear. Combat that fear with “deep work.” Schedule time for self care. Schedule time for building your spiritual life. These things will fill the void of loneliness and uncertainty.  Concentrate on tasks and items that bring fulfillment, and increase joy and peace ― particularly those that grows your spiritual life ― rather than merely doing activities to fіll the  time. 


When you're feeling defeated, deflated and just wanting to give up. PAUSE! Take a moment. BREATHE! Metaphorically or even literally, walk away and come back when you are feeling ready to tackle life again. Know that you can take a break. But ultimately know that YOU CAN handle this. When you decide wіth conviction to take on whatever life challenges you, the help and answers you seek, always appear. 

The Bottom Line    

Remember: emotions are what we make of them and even in a world in crisis there is hope. Hold on to hope. The hope that there will be a morning after, a new day, and light at the end of the tunnel. 

  Stay Healthy. Be well.

 Until Next Time.

In Greatness, 

Coach Shara